Functional medicine is a new and exciting branch on medicine that is gaining attention from doctors, specialists and medical schools world wide. Its a complete paradigm shift when compared to the traditional medical model of naming a disease and treating with pharmaceutics.
Functional medicine's model is based on mechanisms, and how they went wrong. These mechanisms are in the cell, in the mitochondria (our energy producer), and even in the DNA. Science and research is more and more focused on genetics and how the environment and toxins can actually cause changes which lead to disease.
Based on the answers from the questionnaire in the welcome pack, I will be able to categorize your problems into the main systems that need attention.
There are 7 different systems that we focus on:
Digestion, cell communication, immunity, structure, energy, elimination and transport mechanisms.
Before any healing can take place in these 7 systems, we also need to find out what caused the mechanism change, and immediately remove this from the environment. This could be chronic infections/microbes, poor adrenal response to stress, allergies, poor nutrition and gut health, and environmental toxins like metals.
Telephone 016 349 6118/
061 211 0101 or e-mail
to discuss your individual needs!