What is Iridology?
Iridology is a beautiful and effective diagnostic technique, as we use the lines and marks on your iris (the coloured area of your eye) to determine certain areas of pathological or functional disturbance.
The iris is one of the most complex structures of human anatomy. To an iridologist, specific areas of the iris correspond to specific organs, tissues and body areas; and colours and textures suggest biochemical changes. The topography of the iris as it relates to the rest of the body has been mapped by practitioners over the last 400 years.
Although Iridology is a very general idea of health and cannot diagnoses specific diseases, it really helps if a diagnosis is uncertain. It can identify area of weakness, and also areas of poor waste removal.
How does Iridology work?
The thalamus and the hypothalamus are parts of the brain which monitor all vital activities going on within the body. The thalamus and hypothalamus are connected by nerve fibres to the blood vessels, muscles and surface of the iris. From nerve impulses that are relayed from the thalamus and hypothalamus physiological changes develop in the iris tissue revealing information from all parts of the body that have a nerve supply.
Iridology camera
As part of your consultation your eyes will be photographed using a digital magnifying camera, this allows me to view your iris in greater detail on the computer screen. This makes iridology a lot more comfortable for you and makes it easier to do detailed readings and monitor progress..