The Cholesterol Myth
Cholesterol. Such a buzzword, and causing so much controversy. Generally, if you've done the yearly check-up and your total cholesterol is over 5, what should you be doing? Going onto statins without asking questions about how you suddenly have high cholesterol is not an option. You need to determine what you have been doing wrong, and change that! Read a piece from DR Jeffrey Bland's Disease Delusion: "Only about 10% of the cholesterol in the blood come...s from the cholesterol in animal products in the diet. Most of the cholesterol in the blood is made in the liver and is not a result of direct consumption of food. Cholesterol is transported by LDL and HDL which are lipoproteins from the liver to the arteries. The answer to the cholesterol issue is in the transport experience. The balance between the cholesterol influx into the artery wall, and cholesterol efflux out of the artery wall determines how this cholesterol influences health and disease. So what affects this balance-that is the question? There is now evidence that stress hormones mobilize cholesterol from the body and bring it into the blood to elevate LDL cholesterol. Almost like an alarm chemical when your physiology is under stress, LDL is released." If stress reduction is not an option, then adrenal balance might be. Come in to get your stress levels assessed together with a cholesterol test. This way you might help your cholesterol levels even better than a diet! Identiti-Stress assessment available at my practice!